Accreditation by Professional Photographers of Canada

Why did I wait so long to go for this?

I don’t know.

What I do know is that even though I received an email last week,telling me of my accreditation, it really didn’t sink in until the certificate arrived in the mail last night.

And now that it’s sunk in?

I want to continue to creatively stretch at weddings and beyond.

Thank you to everyone that has been on this journey with me: from the couples, their families and friends, to my assistants, the venues and countless other vendors.

I hope you love the process of being integral parts in forming people’s memories as much as I do.

What is the process for becoming an Accredited Photographer?
The Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC) has a membership program covering most (if not all) photography genres. Four times per year experienced Master Photographers jury the work of photographers’ images that they submit for judging. If all of the images pass an “Accepted” standard level then that photographer is accredited in the category in which they entered. In my accreditation in the Environmental Portrait Photography category, I was required to submit ten different images from ten different weddings that I photographed.

Thank you to the Board of Examiners Professional Photographers of Canada for volunteering their time to assess and reward photographers for their talent, work and drive to become better artists and craftspeople in order to reach the highest standards within our industry.

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